
AURA Dance Theatre

Saturday, 04.02.2017, 20.00 h, DOCK 11
Sunday, 05.02.2017, 18.30h, DOCK 11
Duration: 45 min.

In klimaxless we are not dealing with newness
In klimaxless we are not dealing with expression
In klimaxless we are not dealing with object
In klimaxless we are not dealing with movement
In klimaxless we are not dealing with meaning
In klimaxlesss we are not dealing with body

In klimaxless we are dealing with newness
In klimaxless we are dealing with expression
In klimaxless we are dealing with object
In klimaxless we are dealing with movement
In klimaxless we are dealing with meaning
In klimaxless we are dealing with body


Liza Baliasnaja, choreographer


In “Klymaxless”, through the recognizable forms, we are attempting to create a space where familiar can become objectified and questioned. The symbols that are present in the work are being decontextualized, then “new” combinations are developed. However, the newness is not our aim, the aim is rather to allow the spectators to seek for another entrances into domains that are so well known, but yet contain meanings that we ignore to consider.

Liza Baliasnaja: „The creativity in this process is not in developing spectacular and unseen materials, but rather to appropriate the existing ones and figure out the possible combinations that together form a “new” expression, hopefully full of possible interpretations. The way pop culture has influenced our ways of thinking is fascinating and scary. I am very curious what does one think about and how does one judge this piece of work, since it is constituted of shapes and forms that we (social beings), for some reasons, never question.”

Performance “Klymaxless” was created in the platform “On AURA trampoline”.
This platform was established to give a possibility for young choreographers to work with the AURA Dance Theatre, to express themselves and their visions through the other performers while working as choreographers.

AURA Dance Theatre is the theatre, which promotes the expression of contemporary dance in Lithuania. Dance studio Aura, which was established on Birutė Letukaitė initiative in 1980, was registered as Kaunas City Theatre in 1995 and is directed by the prominent chorographer until now. During the years of its existence, the theatre created and shaped the face of Lithuanian contemporary dance and trained a great number of professional dancers who are well-known worldwide.
AURA is constantly working on various international projects, cooperates with foreign and Lithuanian choreographers and artists of various fields. International dance festival “Aura”, which is being organized in Kaunas for 26 years, has eventually become an integral part of Kaunas city culture. AURA represents Lithuanian contemporary dance in many foreign countries and constantly shares innovative ideas with the dance world.

Choreography and Stage direction Liza Baliasnaja
Performers Dancers from the AURA dance theatre
Sound design Andrius Stakelė
Producer AURA Dance Theatre

Premiere 2015